Can You Get An Electric Shock From Portable Solar Panels?

Lightening Strike, High Voltage

Portable solar panels are high-quality carbon emission-free power generating devices designed to harness raw energy from sunlight and convert it into usable electricity. At most, they do produce electricity that can harm people if not handled properly. Despite being smaller in size, can you still get an electric shock from the portable solar panel?

With the fast-growing pace with green energy, more carbon emission-free portable solar panels entered the market. Many of these portable panels have power ratings of 300W or more, with voltages of 40V producing currents between 7amps and 9amps. Such a rating is an impressive step for free electricity. 

In general, currents of 7 amps to 9 amps are dangerous enough to cause electric shock if not handled properly, and even a 1 amp of current can cause grievous body harm when exposed to it.

On a side note, check out Do Roof Solar Panels Attract Lightning? The Impact & How To Protect It!

On a side note! If you’re in need of a reliable and high-performance portable solar panel, We strongly recommend the Jackery SolarSaga 100W  Portable Solar Panel  (Amazon Link).

With a high conversion efficiency and foldable design, this solar panel is easy to transport and set up, making it perfect for outdoor activities like camping, hiking, and RV trips.

The US solar cell technology used in this panel ensures that you get the most efficient and reliable solar charging possible.

There is also a 60W option that is more affordable (Amazon Link)

Unlike the standard electricity circuits, portable solar panels do not have switches to adjust the voltages to a minimum. Once exposed to sunlight, it generates power, creating voltages in the terminals.

Even though they are smaller than the regular rooftop panels, they can also power bigger appliances such as fridges and heaters. Think about the current output these appliances need to work. A portable solar panel can supply enough current to power these appliances, so you would not want to mess around with it. They do influence dangerous devices as well.

You may want to check the risk level of dealing with solar panels by going through this post: How harmful is an electric shock from a solar panel?

Safety Measures

Sign Board: Warning, Strong Currents

If you think there are no safety measures required in handling portable solar panels, then you are wrong.

Just as there are safety instructions for the AC at home, so do portable solar panels.

You need to be able to adhere to this basic guideline to avoid electric shocks and damage. If you purchase a new portable solar panel, the instructions and safety manual will be with the product.

How Does A Portable Solar Panel Produce Electricity?

In general, a portable solar panel generates electricity just the same as a standard rooftop solar panel. The portable-solar panel absorbs energy from the sun and converts it into electricity.

To be more specific, a portable solar panel contains a layer of cells known as photovoltaic cells (PV), which you see as blocks on the top of the solar panel. Silicon is the primary element manufacturers use to produce these PV cells. The solar panel has a positive and negative layer. 

As sunlight strikes the top of the portable solar panel; photons (particles of energy) are-converted into electrons. As the electrons pass through the solar cells, they will convert into direct current. 

Attaching conductors to the positive and negative layers of the panel produce electric fields. The portable solar panel generates electricity.

How Much Power Can You Get From A Portable Solar Panel?

In terms of watt rating of the portable solar panel, a typical panel produces between 5 watts to 100 watts or even more. A 100-watt portable-solar board is capable of producing a direct current output of 100 watts under optimum conditions.

To achieve maximum efficiency, you need to consider placing the portable solar panel at an angle that receives more sunlight.

You will not expect to get 100% efficiency output from your portable solar panel every day. The panel will be less efficient in the morning and evening;

however, it may reach its peak at noon when the sun is at its best, provided it is not cloudy, since this reduces the panels’ efficiency.

To calculate the power output of a portable solar panel! You need to know the relationship between power, current, and voltage.

Power (Watt) = Current (I) x Voltage (V)

For instance, how much power (W) can a 12V monocrystalline foldable portable solar panel generate?

Firstly, get the values for the current and voltage of the product. You can get this from the product’s operation manual.

Power = Current x voltage

Power = 5.56 x 18.0

Power=100.08 W

The point is; if you are looking to get a portable solar panel that is going to power most of your stuff including, a laptop, tablet, mobile phones, light bulbs, spotlights, LED lights, Heater, you need to check the power rating for the panel.

Simple check the specification for the watt rating. I would recommend going for a 200W portable solar panel if you need to power most of the stuff mentioned above.

What Can A Portable Solar Panel Power?

Car Charged By Solar Energy

Portable power has bridged the gap for frequent travelers, campers, hikers, RVers, and so forth from having to worry; about power options when going off-grid. The types of devices portable solar panels can power up depends on the power ratings of the panels.

In general, portable solar panels can charge devices such as; mobile phones, iPods, music players, tablets, laptops, car batteries, small fridges, etc.

Find out If Solar Panels can Charge an Electric Car?

A Thunderbolt 5W foldable portable solar panel can power devices like GPS receivers, cell phones, MP3 players, and portable game consoles. On the other hand, a Boulder 100 Briefcase portable-solar panel can power lamps, funs, laptop, phones, tablets, Wifi routers, and so forth,

However, for much bigger appliances like fridges, TVs, heaters, and air conditioning systems, you need to be able to chain a few 100W to achieve the power capacity these devices need to charge.

Otherwise, if you want to go all in one, I would place an ECO-WORTHY 600W Solar Panel Kit Complete Solar Power System on the floor, and you do the math.

This guy is the real deal. The package includes solar panels, charge controller, battery, inverter, Z mounting brackets, connectors, and solar cables. So you will not be necessarily needing anything else, but just your family and your best friend, sunlight.

Do Portable Solar Panels Store Electricity?

Solar Panel Converts Sunlight To Electricity

Smaller sized portable solar panels do not produce much electricity as compared to larger ones. 

They do not store energy/electricity in any useful form. You can draw current from the panels only when light impinges on them. 

Plug and charge are all you need to do. There is no unnecessary setup required. All you need to do is get the panel into the sunlight and connect your device and let it charge. That is it, how simple.

However, larger portable solar panels such as the ROCKPALS 250W Portable Power Station did come with a rechargeable lithium battery pack portable generator and a charge controller. The ROCKPALS 250W Portable Power Station is ideal for outdoor adventure and camping. 

A 100W Portable Solar Panel

The bundle contains a rechargeable lithium battery pack solar generator that makes it even more fun. Users can be able to charge their devices even when it is raining or cloudy. The lithium battery pack solar generator is very much useful in such a scenario.

The purpose of the rechargeable lithium battery is to store energy the panel obtained from the sun. The charge controller protects and helps in the efficiency and durability of the battery itself.

The myth is simple if you need to power up electric consuming devices such as heaters, and then consider a portable solar panel that comes with batteries and control charges. However, if you are looking to charge smaller devices, then go for the light-weight portable solar panels.

Do Portable Solar Panels Produce Radiation?

According to, radiation is the emission or transmission of energy in the form of wave particles through space or a material medium.

It includes electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves, visible light, and x-rays.

Did you know that all electrical and electronic devices produce radiation?

So does portable solar panels. 

Thus, brings us to the next question, is the radiation produced by portable solar panels harmful?

Well, the truth is, portable solar panels do produce radiation in a relatively small amount and possibly not dangerous.

The amount of radiation produced is detected using an EMF meter.

The fact that radiation is harmful to humans poses more questions about how safe we are while using portable solar panels.

However, even though researchers have concluded an increased risk of cancer due to exposer to radiation, this is still weak.

Are Portable Solar Panels Worth It?

With the ease of use and exceptional features, there is no doubt that portable solar panels are the future of electricity for today.

The existence of portable solar panels has contributed a lot towards the lifestyle and social movement of many families, campers, riders, hikers, bushwalkers, tourists, and so forth.

With only the sun as the divine source of energy, anyone can get their devices plugged in. There is not much to worry about, given that the sun keeps shining.

Besides, most portable panels are-designed to produce electricity more efficiently, less exposure to radiation, minimum unexpected faults, and a more clean environment.

Besides, portable solar panels are user-friendly. There is not much technical stuff to worry you. All you have to do is place it in the sun, sit back, relax and watch your devices fueled up.

Take into consideration that portable solar panels are the most efficient, carbon-emission free products in the market.

They have bridged the gap of people having to worry about where and when to charge devices when going off-grid.

So, are they worth it?

In general, currents of 7 amps to 9 amps are dangerous enough to cause electric shock if not handled properly, and even a 1 amp of current is considered grievous when exposed to it.


I am a very well-experienced techie civil engineer who’s extensively interested in solar panel technology and even more captivated by the potential of solar panels in supporting individual residential units.

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